Note: For version A only MUSDB18 training data was used for training, so quality is worse than Demucs3 Model B. Demucs3 Model A and Demucs3 Model B has the same architecture, but has different weights.
Experimental model VitLarge23 based on Vision Transformers.In terms of metrics, it is slightly inferior to the MDX23C, but may work better in some cases.
Mel Band Roformer - a model proposed by employees of the company ByteDance for the competition Sound Demixing Challenge 2023, where they took first place on LeaderBoard C. Unfortunately, the model was not made publicly available and was reproduced according to a scientific article by the developer @lucidrains on the github. The vocal model was trained from scratch on our internal dataset. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to achieve similar metrics as the authors.
The LarsNet model divides the drums stem into 5 types: 'kick', 'snare', 'cymbals', 'toms', 'hihat'. The model is from this github repository and it was trained on the dataset StemGMD. The model has two operating modes. The first (default) applies the Demucs4 HT model to the track at stage one, which extracts only the drum part from the track. On the second stage, the LarsNet model is used. If your track consists only of drums, then it makes sense to use the second mode, where the LarsNet model is applied directly to the uploaded audio. Unfortunately, subjectively, the quality of separation is inferior in quality to the model DrumSep.
MVSep MultiSpeaker (MDX23C) - this model tries to isolate the most loud voice from all other voices. It uses MDX23C architecture. Still under development.
Algorithm AudioSR: Versatile Audio Super-resolution at Scale. Algorithm restores high frequencies. It works on all types of audio (e.g., music, speech, dog, raining, ...). It was initially trained for mono audio, so it can give not so stable result on stereo.