Ensemble of best vocal models. Algorithm gives the highest possible quality for vocal and instrumental stems. The latest ensemble consists of BSRoformer, MelRoformer and SCNet XL vocal models.
Monthly usage: 4 469, Monthly rating: 4.5000 (14 votes)This ensemble is based on algorithm which took 2nd place at Music Demixing Track of Sound Demixing Challenge 2023. The main changes comparing to contest version is much better individual stem models.
Monthly usage: 1 780, Monthly rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)It's Ensemble (vocals, instrum, bass, drums, other) + more models included like guitars, piano, back/lead vocals and drumsep.
Monthly usage: 3 192, Monthly rating: 3.7778 (9 votes)Algorithm Demucs4 HT. It's fast and gives relatively good quality for bass/drums/other stems.
Monthly usage: 50 574, Monthly rating: 4.5602 (216 votes)BS Roformer model. Excellent quality for vocals/instrumental separation.
Monthly usage: 45 418, Monthly rating: 4.5766 (111 votes)Algorithm for separating tracks into vocal and instrumental parts based on the MelBand Roformer neural network
Monthly usage: 44 850, Monthly rating: 4.8000 (180 votes)Set of MDX23C models which is based on code released by kuielab for Sound Demixing Challenge 2023. Very good for vocals/instrumental separation.
Monthly usage: 22 135, Monthly rating: 4.5000 (22 votes)Algorithm for separating tracks into vocal and instrumental parts based on the SCNet neural network
Monthly usage: 6 318, Monthly rating: 4.3571 (14 votes)MDX B models are based on kuielab code from Music Demixing Challenge 2021. Models were retrained by UVR team on big dataset. For long time models were best for vocals/instrumental separation.
Monthly usage: 3 000, Monthly rating: 4.5000 (8 votes)A set of models from the Ultimate Vocal Remover program, which are based on the old VR architecture. Most of the models are vocal, but there are also special models for karaoke, piano, removing reverberation effects, etc.
Monthly usage: 11 747, Monthly rating: 4.4375 (32 votes)Demucs4 Vocals 2023 model - it's Demucs4 HT model fine-tuned on big vocals dataset.
Monthly usage: 1 457, Monthly rating: 4.6667 (6 votes)The MDX-B Karaoke model was prepared as part of the Ultimate Vocal Remover project. The model produces high-quality lead vocal extraction from a music track.
Monthly usage: 11 295, Monthly rating: 4.4565 (46 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 17 895, Monthly rating: 4.8315 (89 votes)MVSep Piano model is based on MDX23C, MelRoformer and SCNet Large architectures. It produces high quality separation for piano and other stems.
Monthly usage: 6 521, Monthly rating: 4.1081 (37 votes)The MVSep Guitar model produces high-quality separation of music into a guitar part (including acoustic and electronic) and everything else.
Monthly usage: 11 972, Monthly rating: 4.5294 (85 votes)The MVSep Bass model produces high-quality separation of music into a bass part and everything else.
Monthly usage: 8 492, Monthly rating: 4.7273 (55 votes)The MVSep Drums model produces high-quality separation of music into a drums part and everything else.
Monthly usage: 14 148, Monthly rating: 4.8571 (28 votes)The MVSep Strings model is a model based on the MDX23C architecture for separating music into bowed string instruments and everything else.
Monthly usage: 4 155, Monthly rating: 4.3333 (21 votes)The MVSep Wind model produces high-quality separation of music into a wind part and everything else.
Monthly usage: 3 973, Monthly rating: 4.6364 (22 votes)The MVSep Organ model produces high-quality separation of music into an organ part and everything else.
Monthly usage: 2 198, Monthly rating: 5.0000 (13 votes)The algorithm restores the quality of audio. For example MP3 files compressed to 128 kbps or lower and other types.
Monthly usage: 9 290, Monthly rating: 4.0000 (15 votes)Set of different models to remove reverberation effect from music.
Monthly usage: 7 194, Monthly rating: 4.0000 (9 votes)An unique model for removing crowd sounds from music recordings (applause, clapping, whistling, noise, laugh etc.).
Monthly usage: 4 993, Monthly rating: 3.7000 (10 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 1 791, Monthly rating: 3.7500 (4 votes)BandIt Plus model for separating tracks into speech, music and effects.
Monthly usage: 1 733, Monthly rating: 5.0000 (4 votes)Bandit v2 is a model for cinematic audio source separation in 3 stems: speech, music, effects/sfx. It was trained on DnR v3 dataset.
Monthly usage: 1 355, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)MVSep DnR v3 is a cinematic model for splitting tracks into 3 stems: music, sfx and speech.
Monthly usage: 3 637, Monthly rating: 3.5000 (2 votes)The DrumSep model divides the drum track into several types: 'kick', 'snare', 'toms', 'cymbals' (it includes 'hh', 'ride', 'crash').
Monthly usage: 5 574, Monthly rating: 4.8667 (30 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 6 594, Monthly rating: 2.7500 (24 votes)Whisper is a pre-trained model for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation.
Monthly usage: 926, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)Medley Vox is an algorithm for separating multiple singers within a single music track and evaluation dataset for this task.
Monthly usage: 4 893, Monthly rating: 3.8000 (20 votes)MVSep Multichannel BS - uses the best vocal model to extract sound from multi-channel audio (5.1, 7.1, etc.).
Monthly usage: 1 921, Monthly rating: 4.8889 (9 votes)A model for separating male and female voices within a single vocal track. The track should contain only voices, no music.
Monthly usage: 3 418, Monthly rating: 2.5455 (11 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 151, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)Algorithm Demucs3 (A and B versions)
Monthly usage: 483, Monthly rating: 5.0000 (2 votes)Experimental model VitLarge23 based on Vision Transformers. In terms of metrics, it is slightly inferior to the MDX23C, but may work better in some cases.
Monthly usage: 182, Monthly rating: 4.0000 (1 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 179, Monthly rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 182, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 89, Monthly rating: 2.0000 (1 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 62, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 34, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 37, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 154, Monthly rating: 2.0000 (1 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 157, Monthly rating: 0 (0 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 121, Monthly rating: 4.0000 (1 votes)The LarsNet model divides the drums stem into 5 types: 'kick', 'snare', 'cymbals', 'toms', 'hihat'.
Monthly usage: 344, Monthly rating: 1.0000 (1 votes)MVSep MultiSpeaker (MDX23C) - this model tries to isolate the most loud voice from all other voices.
Monthly usage: 642, Monthly rating: 1.0000 (1 votes)The algorithm adds "whispering" effect to vocals.
Monthly usage: 284, Monthly rating: 2.0000 (1 votes)No data found
Monthly usage: 1 865, Monthly rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)Algorithm AudioSR: Versatile Audio Super-resolution at Scale. Algorithm restores high frequencies.
Monthly usage: 743, Monthly rating: 3.3750 (8 votes)FlashSR - audio super resolution algorithm for restoring high frequencies
Monthly usage: 668, Monthly rating: 3.3333 (3 votes) No data found Revert to old selectCác tệp trong hàng đợi: 18. Số lượng GPU hoạt động: 11